Jennifer Rossi, Ph.D.

Phone Icon (541) 662-0527
Fees, Scheduling, and Insurance

Scheduling and Insurance Information

Please call me for all fee inquiries.  I am unable to post or advertise my fee schedule publicly online as it would be a violation of both federal and state anti-trust laws.

For those clients without health insurance, with health insurance but without mental health coverage, or for those who wish to forgo their health insurance coverage in order to keep their mental health information and treatment history from being shared with the insurance industry for either philosophical or personal reasons, payment in full is due at the time service is provided.  For those with health insurance plus mental health coverage, any co-payment or unmet deductible under your plan is due in full at the time service is provided.

I am currently a provider for a wide variety of insurance companies and below you will find a list of those companies with links to their websites.  I encourage you to visit your insurance company's website, establish a username and password and then access your health record information so that you are clear on your coverage, the number of therapy sessions allowed under your plan, and so that you are aware of any deductibles or co-payments that may apply.  You may also call the number on the back of your insurance card to obtain such information prior to attending our first session together.

I am also an out-of-network provider for several other plans and perform services for a variety of Employee Assistance Programs in the area that may not be listed.  Please note that I am a preferred provider for several of the companies, including BlueCross BlueShield.

© Copyright Jennifer Rossi, Ph.D.  Please note that the information that appears on this website should not be considered as any form of treatment.  If you are having an emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest hospital.